Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ocean Spray on the boycott list...can't find any others available.

I have discovered something interesting. In Sidney BC if you want cranberry 'berries' the only ones available are packaged and from Ocean Spray. Ocean Spray donated money to fight GMO labelling in California through Proposition 37. I boycott all companies on the list. I wanted to make my own cranberry sauce/relish this year. Next year I will start earlier and source outside of Sidney.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

The end of an era...the microwave is leaving us.

I have heard too many horror stories about microwave ovens. I just think they are a bad idea. It took me a while to gently get my husband on board. He has discovered that food tastes better oven warmed. Almost killed myself getting it down off a highish shelf that sits at about six feet. I was at the house alone and no ladder. Wow. That was close. Got the job done though, no worries. That gave me another shelf in this very small kitchen. A place to put some of the glass containers I've been switching everything over to. Isn't that wonderful. I think it looks really cool.